Saturday, May 14, 2016

Note to self: Political Skill Inventory (PSI )

In line with previous post, I have been reading on office politics and came across a test called Political Skill Inventory (PSI ). It asks 18 questions and based on a self-assessment score, one can judge if one has the soft skills to continue to grow in one's career to achieve "power", where power is less about behaving like Mugabe, and more about being effective/influential.

Here is a note to self for a few years from now. Based on my assessment, here are my scores as of May 14, 2016:

Avg Score
apparent sincerity 6
interpersonal influence 6
networking 2.5
social astuteness 3.8
Grand Total 4.2

"Higher scores mean you have more political skill, lower scores mean you have less.  You should be above 4—and possibly well above 4—if you have aspirations to reach great heights of power."

So in a few years, if I remember to check here again, I will find out if I went on to develop soft skills .... or stayed true to my primary (in every imaginable sense) values. 

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